Friday, December 12, 2008


OK, maybe I am preaching to the choir but when we first received our assignment to read all of Don Quixote, I panicked. It is not like I haven't read something like that, but on top of all of my other classes. woe is me... I really enjoyed reading it. It is actually one of the best books I have read. THANK YOU again, Dr. Sexson, for allowing us to read something so great!

final class

THANK YOU everyone! It has been a fun semester with everyone. Thank you for providing a good escape into tangents and getting stuck with pencils on the last day of class. I have really enjoyed the class.
Have a wonderful break everyone and I am sure I will see everyone around!
Kelsey Stavnes

The Final test

1. What is the difference between criticism and complaining? Don Quixote
2. Harold Bloom, Edith Grossman, introduction to Don Quixote
3. What can tell the truth that is enchanted in Don Quixote? the enchanted head
4. What does La Mancha mean? Don Quixote of the Stains
5. What happened to Don Quixote in the cave? years were added to his life
6. What is the name of the knight? Knight of the White Moon
7. Who really was the Knight of the Wood, the Mirrors: the bachelor Carrasco
8. Page 804 "To believe..." fill in the blank (impossible)
9. Page 346 in Anatomy of Criticism: The culture of the past is..."
other questions in the book, so make sure you read!

50 points.
know poem, about schools of thought, Don Quixote, amd some individual critics

group presentations 3

Freud: great creator of the Modern Age
"Truth is unseen"
hidden psychological truths

hidden in text
concerned with social hierarchy, socioeconomic status, and class struggle

group presentations 2

Reductive: concerning women: number of women, treatment of women, was it written by a woman?
Expansive: bell hooks, what kind of literary work is this? What does it say about gender differences?

spectacle metaphor

however you can not make something mean whatever you want it to mean!

group presentations 1

also known as formalism
values technique
text itself in the expense of everything else

no absolute meaning of the text
nothing outside of the text
counters unity (in structure, image, and tone)
"The Well-Wrought Urn" by Cleanth Brooks
no unified whole; everything is under construction.
Northrup Frye is a Deconstructionalist

Henry James

I couldn't get a photo of myself on the blogsite. It would not allow me to do it...

A little about me:
I lived in the United States but traveled to Britain a lot.
I studied at Harvard but decided reading literature was to more my liking.
There is speculation that I loved my cousin Mary, and that I was perhaps homosexual.

Common themes in my literary works:
relationships between people
morbid kind of things (like ghosts)

My major works: The Turn of the Screw
The Portrait of A Lady
The American
The Real Thing
The Ambassadors