Friday, December 12, 2008

The Final test

1. What is the difference between criticism and complaining? Don Quixote
2. Harold Bloom, Edith Grossman, introduction to Don Quixote
3. What can tell the truth that is enchanted in Don Quixote? the enchanted head
4. What does La Mancha mean? Don Quixote of the Stains
5. What happened to Don Quixote in the cave? years were added to his life
6. What is the name of the knight? Knight of the White Moon
7. Who really was the Knight of the Wood, the Mirrors: the bachelor Carrasco
8. Page 804 "To believe..." fill in the blank (impossible)
9. Page 346 in Anatomy of Criticism: The culture of the past is..."
other questions in the book, so make sure you read!

50 points.
know poem, about schools of thought, Don Quixote, amd some individual critics

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